Prof. Dr. Tobias Kraus in the OPED podcast "Operation Imminent"

The new generation is changing leadership — Prof. Dr. Tobias Kraus | OPED podcast

► The OPED pod­cast Ope­ra­ti­on Immi­nent More infor­ma­ti­on at:

Operation Imminent

Ope­ra­ti­on Immi­nent – the pod­cast for young doc­tors who are at the begin­ning of their care­ers. For peo­p­le who want to recon­ci­le fami­ly and work in a stressful envi­ron­ment. For peo­p­le who want to take the lead. For peo­p­le who want to impro­ve col­la­bo­ra­ti­on in medi­ci­ne. We take a look behind the sce­nes of ever­y­day hos­pi­tal life and inter­view per­so­na­li­ties who speak open­ly about care­ers, lea­der­ship and collaboration. 

What are we doing here? 

We meet doc­tors who are com­mit­ted. For tho­se who are still at the begin­ning of their care­ers. For young peo­p­le who want to com­bi­ne work and fami­ly in a stressful envi­ron­ment. For mana­gers who want to lead huma­nely despi­te high eco­no­mic pres­su­re in the cli­nic. We lead our lis­ten­ers into the are­as of the work envi­ron­ment that are more hid­den. And have alre­a­dy recei­ved a lot of inspi­ring insights into an exci­ting job.

The new generation is changing leadership 

A gene­ra­ti­on chan­ge is taking place in cli­nics and also in the branch, which will beco­me even more noti­ceable in the next few years. Becau­se around 20 per­cent of working doc­tors will soon reti­re from working life due to their age. Today we want to know: What do young doc­tors and their older col­le­agues have in com­mon and what sepa­ra­tes them? 

Prof. Dr. Tobi­as Maxi­mi­li­an Kraus is a spe­cia­list in ortho­pe­dics and trau­ma sur­gery; During his pro­fes­sio­nal care­er, he has acqui­red the addi­tio­nal qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons “Spe­cial Trau­ma Sur­gery”, “Sports Medi­ci­ne” and “Phy­si­cal The­ra­py & Bal­neo­lo­gy”. Prof. Dr. Kraus spe­cia­li­zes in the the­ra­py of sports inju­ries and the bio­lo­gi­cal sup­port (aug­men­ta­ti­on) of heal­ing pro­ces­ses as well as the con­ser­va­ti­ve tre­at­ment of osteo­ar­thri­tis. Ano­ther spe­cia­liza­ti­on is the fol­low-up tre­at­ment after ortho­pe­dic / trau­ma sur­gery ope­ra­ti­ons, e.g. Endoprostheses. 

The exten­si­ve dia­gno­stic and the­ra­peu­tic pos­si­bi­li­ties of the Ortho­pe­dic Cli­nic Tegern­see as well as the per­so­nal sci­en­ti­fic com­pe­tence of Prof. Dr. Kraus is opti­mal­ly used for pati­ents in dia­gno­stics and therapy. 

Prof. Dr. med. Tobias Maximilian Kraus MBA VITA: 

Spe­cia­list in ortho­pe­dics & trau­ma sur­gery, spe­cial trau­ma sur­gery, phy­si­cal the­ra­py & bal­neo­lo­gy, sports medicine 

Professional awards
  • 2012 reco­gni­ti­on of addi­tio­nal qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on in sports medi­ci­ne; Bava­ri­an Sta­te Medi­cal Association
  • 2014 spe­cia­list in ortho­pe­dics and trau­ma sur­gery; Medi­cal Asso­cia­ti­on of South Württemberg
  • 2015 Habi­li­ta­ti­on in the field of ortho­pe­dics & trau­ma sur­gery at the Eber­hard-Karls-Uni­ver­si­tät Tübin­gen (The tre­at­ment of bony and soft-tis­sue ante­rior-infe­ri­or should­er insta­bi­li­ty: a cli­ni­cal and radio­lo­gi­cal examination)
  • 2016 reco­gni­ti­on of spe­cial trau­ma sur­gery; Medi­cal Asso­cia­ti­on of South Württemberg
  • 2017 reco­gni­ti­on of addi­tio­nal qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on for phy­si­cal the­ra­py; Medi­cal Asso­cia­ti­on of South Württemberg
  • 2017 Gra­dua­ti­on as Mas­ter of Busi­ness Admi­nis­tra­ti­on (MBA), HNU Uni­ver­si­ty Neu-Ulm
  • 2019 Appoint­ment as apl. Pro­fes­sor at the Eber­hard Karls Uni­ver­si­ty in Tübingen
Scholarships & Awards
  • 2005 DAAD scho­lar­ship — prac­ti­cal year in Bra­zil / Australia
  • 2011 Fel­low­ship of the AGA — Socie­ty for Arthro­sco­py & Joint Sur­gery, Uni­ver­si­té Paris-Ouest, Prof. Dr. Ph. Hardy
  • 2011 Leo­nar­do da Vin­ci grant from the Euro­pean Union
  • 2013 Tra­vel grant from the Ger­man Asso­cia­ti­on for Should­er and Elbow Sur­gery (DVSE)
  • 2016 AFOR tra­vel and trai­ning grant, Pont­resi­na, Switzerland
  • 2018 Lec­tu­re Award, VSOU — Digi­tiza­ti­on in Medi­ci­ne — Oppor­tu­ni­ties for Telemedicine
  • 2019 Lec­tu­re Award, VSOU — Digi­tiza­ti­on in Medi­ci­ne — 1 Year Telemedicine

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