Cooked salmon on rice with white plate against white background.

Healthy nutrition for arthrosis in the

Osteo­ar­thri­tis pati­ents pay par­ti­cu­lar atten­ti­on to their diet. We have desi­gned spe­cial dis­hes for them, extra­or­di­na­ri­ly deli­cious and easy to prepare. 

Anti-inflamm­a­to­ry plant-based nut­ri­ti­on, rich in vit­amins, mine­rals and trace ele­ments, can ensu­re that the arti­cu­lar car­ti­la­ge is ade­qua­te­ly supplied.

In the mar­ket of our new web­site you will find ever­y­thing you need for a balan­ced meal despi­te ill­ness, easi­ly and con­ve­ni­ent­ly. Natu­ral, regio­nal ingre­di­ents, best pre­pa­ra­ti­on, well-balan­ced ingre­di­ents, expres­si­ve tas­te, for enjoy­ment in eating.

From the varied com­pon­ents of con­ju­re up your indi­vi­du­al dream menu. At home, you sim­ply warm it up in a water bath and you can enjoy it.

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