MyAirShield — protection against viruses, bacteria and germs

Active cleaning of the air with MyAirShield

MyA­ir­Shield is worn around the neck and increa­ses air puri­ty ele­gant­ly and com­for­ta­b­ly. Low doses of chlo­ri­ne dioxi­de gas are released and form a kind of pro­tec­ti­ve shield around the wearer’s body, making it effec­ti­ve against bac­te­ria, viru­s­es and germs.

MyA­ir­Shield stays acti­ve for up to 90 days.

Clinically tested

The effec­ti­ve­ness of chlo­ri­ne dioxi­de has been exami­ned in various cli­ni­cal tests and descri­bed in sci­en­ti­fic stu­dies. The effect against a num­ber of dif­fe­rent viru­s­es and bac­te­ria was proven.

As this is a new pro­duct, plea­se cont­act the manu­fac­tu­rer direct­ly if you have any ques­ti­ons about its effec­ti­ve­ness and suitability. 


Small amounts of chlo­ri­ne dioxi­de are dif­fu­sed by MyA­ir­Shield, eli­mi­na­ting pol­lut­ants in ambi­ent air and on sur­faces. A pro­tec­ti­ve lay­er forms around the wea­rer, which adhe­res to the user’s skin and clot­hing and actively decom­po­ses viru­s­es and bacteria.

The hig­her den­si­ty of the released chlo­ri­ne dioxi­de cau­ses the gas in the ambi­ent air to sink onto the user’s clot­hing. Chlo­ri­ne dioxi­de rises as a result of body heat. This cle­ver design crea­tes a kind of pro­tec­ti­ve shield around the per­son wea­ring MyAirShield.


  • Atmo­sphe­ric Shield with Low Con­cen­tra­ti­on Chlo­ri­ne Dioxi­de Gas (CLO2)
  • For stay­ing in clo­sed rooms
  • Simp­le application
  • 90 days effective
  • Cli­ni­cal­ly tested
  • For per­so­nal use

Information on CLO2 release

MyAirShield™ Material Safety Data Sheet

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