Dr. Andrea Achtnich in the OPED podcast "Operation Imminent"

Are Women Better Managers? — Dr. Andrea Achtnich | OPED Podcast

► The OPED pod­cast Ope­ra­ti­on Immi­nent More infor­ma­ti­on at: https://oped.de/service/podcast

Operation Imminent

Ope­ra­ti­on Immi­nent – the pod­cast for young doc­tors who are at the begin­ning of their care­ers. For peo­p­le who want to recon­ci­le fami­ly and work in a stressful envi­ron­ment. For peo­p­le who want to take the lead. For peo­p­le who want to impro­ve col­la­bo­ra­ti­on in medi­ci­ne. We take a look behind the sce­nes of ever­y­day hos­pi­tal life and inter­view per­so­na­li­ties who speak open­ly about care­ers, lea­der­ship and collaboration. 

What are we doing here? 

We meet doc­tors who are com­mit­ted. For tho­se who are still at the begin­ning of their care­ers. For young peo­p­le who want to com­bi­ne work and fami­ly in a stressful envi­ron­ment. For mana­gers who want to lead huma­nely despi­te high eco­no­mic pres­su­re in the cli­nic. We lead our lis­ten­ers into the are­as of the work envi­ron­ment that are more hid­den. And have alre­a­dy recei­ved a lot of inspi­ring insights into an exci­ting job.

Are Women Better Managers?

Medi­ci­ne is beco­ming fema­le — it can be read ever­y­whe­re and seen every day in pro­fes­sio­nal life: 70 per­cent of medi­cal stu­dents, 65 per­cent of medi­cal gra­dua­tes, but only 18 per­cent of tho­se working in sur­gery are fema­le. The con­clu­si­on is clear to many: women do not want to work in sur­gery. But is it real­ly like that?

PD Dr. med. Andre­as Acht­nich is seni­or phy­si­ci­an in the sports ortho­pe­dics depart­ment at the Kli­ni­kum rechts der Isar at the Tech­ni­cal Uni­ver­si­ty of Munich.

The depart­ment for sports ortho­pe­dics is cha­rac­te­ri­zed by the most modern, res­to­ra­ti­ve pro­ce­du­res such as car­ti­la­ge repla­ce­ment and deman­ding cor­rec­ti­ve ope­ra­ti­ons. The top prio­ri­ty is the ear­ly func­tion­al res­to­ra­ti­on of joint, ten­don or mus­cle func­tion. This enables pati­ents to quick­ly regain their per­for­mance capa­bi­li­ties in ever­y­day life, at work and in (pro­fes­sio­nal) sport. The team of joint spe­cia­lists looks after a lar­ge num­ber of natio­nal sports asso­cia­ti­ons, e.g. the Ger­man Ski Asso­cia­ti­on or FC Bay­ern Munich.

The renow­ned sports ortho­pe­dics looks after ama­teur and com­pe­ti­ti­ve ath­le­tes, inclu­ding soc­cer stars such as Jero­me Boat­eng and Bas­ti­an Schweinsteiger.

Stu­dies show how important it is to exer­cise well pre­pared. If you com­ple­te a sport-spe­ci­fic warm-up and pre­ven­ti­on pro­gram, the risk of knee joint inju­ries can be redu­ced by up to 27 per­cent over­all — the risk of inju­ring the ante­rior cru­cia­te liga­ment by as much as 51 percent.

Dr. Andreas Achtnich health tip:

Invest some time in a spe­ci­fic exer­cise pro­gram to pro­tect yours­elf from inju­ry. Of the­se, z. B. “Over­head ath­le­tes” such as ten­nis or gol­fers also bene­fit. Such spe­cial trai­ning pro­grams are offe­red by per­so­nal trai­ners, for exam­p­le, and can also be view­ed on web­sites. You should exer­cise regu­lar­ly at least twice a week.

In the case of an acu­te menis­cus inju­ry, spe­cia­lists try to pre­ser­ve the lar­gest pos­si­ble por­ti­on. If this suc­ceeds, the long-term pro­gno­sis for the deve­lo­p­ment of osteo­ar­thri­tis is bet­ter. Experts are curr­ent­ly working on making the menis­cus trans­plant pro­ce­du­re more acces­si­ble in Ger­ma­ny as well.

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