The German Center for Orthopedics 7 Jahre Erfahrung

Sin­ce 2018, the ortho­pe­dic cli­nic of the Wald­kli­ni­ken has been cal­led the “Ger­man Cen­ter for Ortho­pe­dics at the Wald­kli­ni­ken Eisen­berg” (DZO).

This name reflects the demands of the experts in this cli­nic as well as the qua­li­ty of the medi­cal ser­vices: We are a “Cen­ter for Ortho­pe­dics for Ger­ma­ny” at the Waldkliniken.

The DZO is a maxi­mum care ortho­pe­dic cli­nic. The chief phy­si­ci­an of the Ger­man Cen­ter for Ortho­pe­dics, Univ.-Prof. dr Georg Mat­zio­lis is also the medi­cal direc­tor of the Wald­kli­ni­ken Eisenberg.

In the knee, hip, spi­ne, hand and foot, sports/shoulder and pedia­tric ortho­pe­dics depart­ments, the experts offer the enti­re spec­trum of out­pa­ti­ent and inpa­ti­ent ser­vices as well as con­ser­va­ti­ve and sur­gi­cal therapy.

With the pro­fes­sor­ship for ortho­pe­dics in the medi­cal facul­ty of the Fried­rich Schil­ler Uni­ver­si­ty Jena, the cli­nic is the only uni­ver­si­ty ortho­pe­dic depart­ment in Thu­rin­gia and has its fin­ger on the pul­se of rese­arch. Sci­ence, tea­ching and the hig­hest level of evi­dence-based medi­cal care are thus united under one roof.

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