Since 2018, the orthopedic clinic of the Waldkliniken has been called the “German Center for Orthopedics at the Waldkliniken Eisenberg” (DZO).
This name reflects the demands of the experts in this clinic as well as the quality of the medical services: We are a “Center for Orthopedics for Germany” at the Waldkliniken.
The DZO is a maximum care orthopedic clinic. The chief physician of the German Center for Orthopedics, Univ.-Prof. dr Georg Matziolis is also the medical director of the Waldkliniken Eisenberg.
In the knee, hip, spine, hand and foot, sports/shoulder and pediatric orthopedics departments, the experts offer the entire spectrum of outpatient and inpatient services as well as conservative and surgical therapy.
With the professorship for orthopedics in the medical faculty of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena, the clinic is the only university orthopedic department in Thuringia and has its finger on the pulse of research. Science, teaching and the highest level of evidence-based medical care are thus united under one roof.